Friday, September 14, 2007

Driving Idiots

You can say that I spend or have spent a good amount of time driving in the last couple of years. I drive back and forth across Cali all the time. For most people the trip from LA to SF is a vacation or a journey they look forward to for months. Well I am lucky enough to enjoy the drive about twice a month on average. I consider myself a pretty good driver with a decent amount of common sense. This being said I have decided to write down some of the idiotic things I see some drivers doing on the road. I know everyone thinks they are a good driver but most people aren't so if you find yourself doing some of these things wake up and drive right or just get off the road.

  • Number 1: Do not drive 65 on the left lane of a two lane road. Shit for that matter don't drive 75 on the left lane of any road that has more than one lane in California. Now if you decide to drive that fast on the left hand side and someone comes up behind you, MOVE! No, it's not them that is an idiot for trying to pass you and no they are not testing your ego. This is a test of your common sense and your ability to realize your the dumb ass for being in that lane. So next time someone comes up behind you and your on the left hand lane just move. If your in the SLOW lane then go as slow as you want but the fast lane is reserved for fast drivers not people who want to prove how cool they are by going the speed limit.

  • Number 2: If you are one of those fast drivers and your all aggressive good for you as long as you don't get off by trying to intimidate people on the road. Let me remind you of something. If you had any common sense you would look beyond the car in front of you. Tailgating me when there is a line of traffic in front of me will not make the car in front of me go any faster! Look around and realize that there is no where for me to go so back the F***k off. You again just look like an idiot, even if you think your cool. Believe me your not.
    Oh and this goes for you morons that decide that weaving in and out of traffic is a good idea because after you cut off ten people and change lanes six times your only two car links ahead of me. That's about 6 seconds ahead of me. Again your not cool just stupid.

  • Number 3: You know those things they call mirrors. Usually you have about three of them in your car. Well they are there for a reason. No it's not to check out how cool you look, they're there to know what's going on around you. So you slow ass drivers that decide to go the speed limit use those mirrors. If your on a road and there is a line of cars behind you and no one in front of you it says something. That's right you're an idiot. So either step on the gas or if your afraid to go faster that's cool. They thought of people like you when they invented turn-outs. A turn-out is used to pull out of traffic and let people go by you, use them! Again if you think it's challenging your ego or you are cool by slowing people up, your not! Your just stupid!

  • Number 4: OH this one is great! I see these people that turn on there blinkers to go around bends in the road. Let me tell you something, if the road bends (if your one of these people you don't know what a bend in the road is) we all know your going the direction of the bend. You don't have to turn your blinker on telling me your going right because let me let you in on something, we all know your going that direction. There isn't another way to go!

  • Number 5: Whatever you do please don't cut off or tailgate a big rig. Please don't! I mean come on do you not notice that they are about 100 times bigger than you are and the driver can't see your dumb ass tail gating them and they really don't care! I mean yes in some respects they are stupid too but believe me if you cut them off and mess up they're going to win. So again your not impressing anyone by doing this, your only reminding the rest of us how stupid you are!

  • Number 6: Again back to the blinkers. You have all been behind the person that never turns off their blinker. Are you one of these people? I mean come on now! Your blinker is on, that means something is blinking on your gauges and making a click sound. There should be another measure like a hand that comes out of the steering wheel and slaps you and says hey moron turn off your blinker! I mean if you follow someone and they have there blinker on for a mile that means they haven't looked down at there gauges in that long. So they aren't looking at there gauges, there rear views or the traffic beyond the car in front of them! But I am willing to bet they are cruising along music blaring, sun glasses on their new Iphone on their ear thinking they are cool and everyone else is stupid. Little do they know that to the rest of us they're or you're just an idiot.
Lol, I wish you could hear me laughing as I right this. I think that part of it is because I'm surrounded by so many people that have no common sense or think they are to important for there own good. Let me leave you with one more brief example of what stupidity gets you.

We were in LA the land of great drivers and I know this is shocking but there was traffic. One, two three cop cars pass, now some fire fighters. Yay! We cheer because we hope they can pull the wreckage and carnage off the road so we can get by. Well as we get closer we see what happened. There is a car that took out four others and is up on an embankment. Some driver that I won't get into detail about race or ethnicity is standing there pointing at the freeway signs. After some common sense and logic (which many many people are missing) we figured out that the driver didn't see the sign to the transition. This could be because they couldn't they were vertically visioned impaired. So they just pulled the wheel to the right in a panic. Voiding all the rules of traffic so they (cause they're cool) could get on the friggin other freeway. Let me tell you I want to go into detail but she wiped out 5 cars and delayed about 10000 people from getting where they need to be. Just because that one person thought they were smarter or more important. Really again she was just an idiot!

In conclusion, don't be an idiot, don't think your ego is tested, and wake up and look around. Driving is serious business where your stupidity can kill people including your cool self. As I see more I'm going to try to keep adding on to this.

Good luck out there!